Sunday, January 3, 2010

How does an Ad Tracking program work

It's very simple

* you don't have to change anything at your web site
* you don't have to examine your web site logs
* you don't have to make copies of your web pages

You just replace the URL that you want to place in your ad with a 'tracking' URL which the 12 second commute ad tracking will give you.

Here is an example.

Let say you want to run an ad campaign by placing an ad in the XYZ newsletter for a product at your web page

You first decide on a special code unique to this campaign, in this case a code "XYZ" would be suitable.

Then you just tell the 12 second commute ad tracker to provide you with the tracking URL for with a code XYZ and the type of Ad medium used.

As simple as that, you just feed in 2 or 3 pieces of information. (The beauty of 12 second commute ad tracker is that you can set them up in seconds).

12 second commute ad trackerg then provides you with a new URL - a tracking URL - and this is the one that you place in the ad.

So now when someone reads that ad and clicks on the new URL they will be taken to and the ad tracking system will register that the click came from the XYZ newsletter and via what method of advertising.

What is an Ad Tracker?

I am going to show you one of the most powerful marketing tools on the Net.

Any Internet marketing expert will tell you the very same secret of their success

* they allways track and test their results

When you spend money on online advertising but don't track the results then you are simply throwing money away.

An ad tracker allows you to identify exactly where the hits to your web site are coming from, so that

* you can eliminate all ineffective advertising.
* run more ads that are making you profits